DRINK LEARN Pink Pineapple recipe

Pink Pineapple Piña Colada

We could all use a little sunshine this time of year which is why we’ve made the Pink Pineapple Piña Colada! This recipe calls for the PinkGlow™ Pineapple (purchase here!), rum, agave syrup, coconut milk and Melissa’s Shaved Coconut. Blend it up, pour into the most vacation-y glass you can find, place a pink drink umbrella and call it a day! You deserve it!

Want more tropical cocktails in your life? Try the Castaway, made with tequila and Sweet Young Coconuts, or the Ginger Jamaica Margarita for a tropical vacation on your tastebuds!

Pink Pineapple Piña Colada

Whisk away to a tropical destination with the Pink Pineapple Piña Colada

Recipe created by Melissa's Produce Corporate Chef, Ashley Cunningham

  • 3 cups  Pinkglow™ Pineapple (frozen)
  • 1/3 cup your choice of Rum
  • 1 tbsp Melissa's Organic Agave Syrup
  • 2/3 cup Coconut Milk
  • 1-2 tbsp Melissa's Dried Coconut Chips
  1. Place first 4 ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.

  2. Pour into glasses and garnish with Melissa’s Shaved Coconut.

  3. Garnish with a drink umbrella and a slice or two of the Pinkglow™ Pineapple
